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Educational Technology & 

Instructional Designer

Specialist Projects

Instructional design is the ability to consult with educators and program coordinators to support standardized deployment and creation of content-driven, pedagogically-sound, and technologically-forward thinking material that facilitate efficient and effective knowledge acquisition that it’s appealing to learners. Here is an example of Instructional Design Models ADDIE and ASSURE, together with the Technology  Integration Model TPACK.


This is a sample of a video introducing and navigating Campus Solutions.

This is a storyboard for the SIS Modernization video 1 

This is a storyboard for the SIS Modernization video 2 . 

I built these LMS/CMS for multiple educators and for a Hybrid Vocational Diploma Program

As an Educational Technology & Instructional Design Specialist I have needed to research , introduce, implement, and pilot tools that benefit administrators, educators, and learners alike. 

As an Educational Technology & Instructional Design Specialist I have built, consulted, coached, and supervised the construction of these websites.  

As an Educational Technology & Instructional Design Specialist I have pushed the need to adapt STEAM, some type of robotics and some form of coding  and create a specific academic program for the district. These are the  most academic user friendly STEAM, coding, and robotic programs that I've introduced to the district.   

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